Ethics in Government Code

Minneapolis has an Ethics Code to promote high ethical standards and conduct. Our goal is to foster a healthy ethical culture in the City's government.


The Ethics in Government Code sets standards which no City official or employee should violate. Just as important, it sets aspirations for ethical conduct that go above and beyond the minimum requirements.

The Ethics Code is an ethical guide that reflects the values of our City. The people of Minneapolis deserve elected and appointed officials, city employees, and volunteers who maintain the highest ethical principles.

See the Ethics in Government Code

Ethics education

All new local officials and employees must attend ethics training within 6 months of starting at the City. Employees must then take ethics training every 3 years. Elected and appointed officials every 4 years.

Ethical aspirations in the Code

Public trust

We put the public interest ahead of our own personal advancement and financial interests.

Fairness & Honesty

We act honestly, fairly, and openly so that others can rely in good faith on our words and actions.


We comply with both the letter and the spirit of applicable federal and state law and regulations, the city charter, the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances and city policies and procedures.

Ethics rules overview

Conflict of Interest

A local official or employee, whether paid or unpaid, must avoid any situation that might give rise to a financial conflict of interest.

Outside employment

A local official or employee must not accept employment or enter into a contract that interferes with their duties; or creates a potential professional or private conflict of interest that would impair their ability to serve the city.

Accepting Gifts

A local official or employee must not solicit or accept any gift from an interested person, lobbyist, or principal who has a direct financial interest in a decision that the local official or employee is authorized to make.

Post-employment restrictions

A former local official or employee must not disclose or use any confidential, private, nonpublic, privileged or proprietary information gained during his or her city employment.


No local official or employee shall be the immediate supervisor, or that supervisor's immediate supervisor, of a related person. They must not influence or attempt to influence the hiring, transfer, suspension, promotion, discharge, reward, discipline or the adjustment of grievances of a related person. 

See the full Ethics Code

Contact us

Ethics Officer

Office of City Attorney




City Hall
350 S. Fifth St., Room 210
Minneapolis, MN 55415