Smoke-Free Environment Procedures

This procedure sets rules for the City Smoke-Free Environment Policy.

Governing policy: Smoke-Free Environment Policy

Department: Human Resources

Effective: April 1, 2015



"Smoking" or “Smoke” means inhaling or exhaling smoke from any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted tobacco or plant product and includes carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation. Smoking includes the use of electronic cigarettes or the inhaling or exhaling of vapor from any electronic delivery device as defined in Minnesota Statute § 609.685, Subdivision 1.

Work rules

  1. No employee shall smoke or use electronic delivery devices during work hours, excluding lunch and rest periods.
  2. No employee shall smoke or use electronic delivery devices in City-owned facilities or on property owned by the City, except in authorized outdoor smoking areas.
  3. No employee shall smoke or use electronic delivery devices in facilities rented or leased by the City, except in outdoor smoking areas authorized by the building owner.
  4. No employee shall smoke or use electronic delivery devices during the occupancy or operation of City vehicles, equipment or machinery.
  5. No employee shall engage in conduct which would violate any law or ordinance concerning smoking or tobacco products, regardless of whether a criminal conviction results from the conduct.


An employee witnessing a violation of this policy or procedures may report the violation to a supervisor or a management representative. Supervisors must ensure employees comply with the Smoke-Free Environment Policy and these procedures.

Roles and responsibilities

All employees of the City of Minneapolis play important roles in ensuring compliance with the Smoke- Free Environment Policy. City employees must comply with the responsibilities as outlined below and in accordance with these procedures.

Role Responsibility
  1. Comply with City policy and procedures.
Department Heads
  1. Ensure that the policy is communicated to employees.
  2. Ensure that all employees comply with the Smoke-Free Environment Policy.
Managers and supervisors
  1. Understand and comply with City policy and procedures.
  2. Ensure that all employees comply with the Smoke-Free Environment Policy.
  3. Investigate suspected violation of the policy. Investigations resulting in a finding that an employee’s conduct violated this policy will result in appropriate action and may result in discipline, up to and including suspension or discharge from employment.
  4. Inform employees of resources available (e.g., services through the City’s health plan or in the community) to help with tobacco addiction.
  5. Impose progressive discipline, if appropriate.
Communications Department
  1. With assistance from the Human Resources Department, inform employees of the new policy through appropriate channels.
  2. With assistance from Human Resources Department (Benefits), provide employees with information about tobacco use cessation services available through the City’s health insurance provider.
Facilities, Space and Asset Management Committee
  1. Assess need, upon request from a Department, for designated smoking areas away from public entrances of City-owned buildings. Where appropriate, designate areas where smoking and electronic cigarettes are allowed.
Health Department
  1. Develop and recommend updates to the policy.
  2. Provide subject matter expertise on smoke-free environment to the Human Resources Department.
  3. Furnish City of Minneapolis buildings with smoke-free policy signs.
  4. Provide smoke-free stickers/placards for City-owned vehicles.
Human Resources Department
  1. Implement, administer, manage and update the policy and procedures.
  2. Establish, implement, modify procedures necessary to carry out and comply with the policy in accordance with applicable laws, City ordinances, policies and rules.
Finance and Property Services Department - Property Services
  1. Install signs reflecting new policy and designated smoking areas on City property.
Public Works Department - Fleet Services
  1. Install signs and placards in City vehicles.

Contact us

Human Resources




City Hall
350 S. 5th St., Room 1
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

8 a.m.  4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday