Sidewalk snow clearing rules

When it snows, clear your sidewalks to keep them accessible and avoid a charge.

Do your part to keep the city walkable

Sidewalk clearing time frame

Property owners are required to clear sidewalks of snow and ice.

See sidewalk snow clearing rules

Single-family homes and duplexes

You must clear sidewalks within 24 hours after it stops snowing.

All other properties

You must clear sidewalks within 4 daytime hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) after it stops snowing.

See Minneapolis Ordinance 445.20

Sidewalk snow clearing rules

Sidewalk clearing basics

  • Shovel the entire width of the city sidewalk on your entire property down to bare pavement. 
  • If you live on a corner, clear curb cutouts at the street corners and crosswalks to the street gutter. 
  • Shovel around your garbage carts and recycling bins. 
  • Shovel snow into your yard or boulevard. It’s against the law to shovel snow into streets or alleys..

More sidewalk clearing basics

  • If the snow is packed down or there’s ice you cannot remove, sprinkle sand until it's warm enough to remove the buildup.
  • You do not have to clear snow piles left by plows beyond the gutter
    • You can if able to do it safely. 
    • City crews will do this as soon as possible.
  • If you'll be away, arrange for someone else to shovel.

Clear snow and ice all season

You’re responsible for the sidewalk throughout the winter, not just when it snows. 

  • As the temperature changes, snow and ice from nearby sidewalks can melt and flow onto your sidewalk, then refreeze. 
  • It's your responsibility to clear or sand the ice that forms.

Use less salt to protect our environment

Salt is a major concern for all bodies of water. Learn the best practices for using de-icing salt.

Why to clear your public sidewalk

It's important to clear sidewalks

City sidewalks need to be accessible to everyone year-round.

Many in our community rely on sidewalks to:

  • Get to work
  • Go to school
  • Run errands
  • Get to appointments
  • More

Sidewalks that are not cleared of snow and ice are hard and sometimes dangerous to use. They're especially challenging for people with limited mobility.

City inspections

  • The City inspects sidewalks to make sure property owners clear them.
  • We start inspecting sidewalks 24 hours after each snowfall.
  • We may also learn about an uncleared sidewalk if someone makes a complaint. 
Parent and children near bus stop waiting to board or cross

If you do not shovel

You may receive a letter informing you to properly clear your sidewalk of snow and ice.

Not clearing sidewalk snow after follow-up

  • If you have not cleared the sidewalks by the time of our follow-up inspection:
    • Crews will remove the snow and ice and bill you.
  • If you do not pay the bill:
    • We'll add the fee amount to your property taxes.

Report uncleared sidewalks

Help keep our city sidewalks clear and usable to all.

If you notice a sidewalk in front of a property that has not been cleared properly, you can:

Shoveling out a path


Sidewalk snow clearing help

Help keep your entire block clear and accessible to all.

Contact us

Minneapolis 311


7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday – Friday

See list of City holidays