Park a bike
It's important to know the bike parking rules.
Rules for parking bicycles
Bike parking rules
Where you can park or lock a bike

Acceptable places to park and lock a bike
- Any public bike rack
- Public bike parking
- Public Bike racks
- Parking meter hitches
- Most city street signs (except when doing so would block the sidewalk or intersection)
- Bike lockers
- Other designated bike parking locations
Unacceptable ways to park and lock a bike
- Trees
- Handrails
- Streetlights
- Anything that blocks the sidewalk or an intersection
(Minneapolis Ordinance § 490.150)
More places not to park
Do not park at
- Pedestrian ramps
- Building/property entrances
- Driveways
- Loading zones
- Crosswalks
- Parklets
- Street/sidewalk cafes
- Traffic signal or street light poles
- Fire hydrants
- Street furnishings (benches, trees or other right of way plantings, etc.)
- Underground utility, sewer or water facilities
- Sidewalk clear zones
Safety and disabled access features
- Disability parking and transfer zones
- Curb ramps
- Wheelchair ramps
- Ramp landings
- Handrails
- Areas of refuge
- Detectable warning surfaces
Transit stops and facilities
- Stations
- Shelters
- Passenger waiting areas
- Bus layover and staging zones
Parking near transit

- Keep light rail platform boarding areas clear of bikes
- Park your bike away from bus boarding areas
- park your bike away from corners near neighborhood bus stops
Do not
- Block transit boarding areas when parking your bike
- Lock a bike to a bus stop sign or any transit station elements
Bike lockers
Abandoned bicycles
When we remove unlocked bikes
We'll remove unlocked abandoned bicycles upon request.
When we remove locked bikes
We'll tag locked abandoned bicycles 24 hours before removal.
When we remove illegally parked bikes
We remove bicycles locked in illegal locations right away.
Bike racks for businesses
Businesses and public places can apply to have bike racks added to their property.