Temporary water discharge
Letter of transmittal
When applying for a permit, you must submit a letter of transmittal, which describes your:
- Activities
- Need for discharge
- Water sample analysis or reason samples are not required
Discharge to the sanitary sewer
Discharges to the sanitary sewer may require a permit from Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES). For forms and information, contact Mike Flaherty, Senior Engineer:
Send copies of your MCES permit application and sample analysis with your Minneapolis permit application.
State water appropriation permit
You need a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) water appropriation permit for any discharge that exceeds:
- 10,000 gallons a day
- 1,000,000 gallons a year
Site plan and sediment control plan
Submit a site plan showing:
- Where you will collect the water
- The requested discharge point
- How the water will be moved
We also require a sediment control plan if the discharge is from standing water.
Additional permits you may need
Your work may require additional permits from the:
- City of Minneapolis
- State of Minnesota
Do your due diligence to make sure you get all needed permits.
Submit your application
More information
To preserve public health and safety, the Minneapolis Commissioner of Health may:
- Request additional information
- Impose conditions as necessary
Note that a temporary water discharge permit does not give approval for a:
- Permanent and continuously operating dewatering system
- Permanent sewer connection
Contact us
Minneapolis Health Department
Environmental Health Permit
Make payment in person at:
Public Service Building
Minneapolis Service Center
505 Fourth Ave. S., Skyway level
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Mail a payment to:
Minneapolis Environmental Health
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415