Rock crushing
Crushed materials
- Crushed materials must originate on the site where the temporary crushing activity occurs.
- The Minneapolis Health Department can choose to waive the requirement.
Storage of material
The permit does not grant land use approval for storage of material.
You must place a temporary sign adjacent to the project site.
The sign must:
- Measure three feet by four feet
- List contact information for people conducting the temporary crushing activities:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Be posted within 10 feet of all public rights-of-way adjacent to the project site
The company must make sure that a person responsible for the activities is available on a 24-hour basis either:
- On site
- By phone
Dust control measures
You must submit dust control measures for material:
- Transport
- Crushing
- Temporary storage
We require these measures until the processed material is:
- Reused on site
- Transported off site
Additional permits you may need
Your work may require additional permits from the:
- City of Minneapolis
- State of Minnesota
Do your due diligence to make sure you get all needed permits.
Note that we will not issue an after hours work permit for temporary rock crushing.
See temporary rock crushing permit application
The permit is valid for only 120 consecutive calendar days from the start of activity.
Contact us
Minneapolis Health Department
Environmental Health Permit
Make payment in person at:
Public Service Building
Minneapolis Service Center
505 Fourth Ave. S., Skyway level
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Mail a payment to:
Minneapolis Environmental Health
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415