
See our resources to detect and prevent mice.


  • Mice are a public health risk and can cause property damage.
  • We explain how to find and prevent mice in hotels, motels and other lodging.

In this section

gray mouse


House mouse

House mouse sitting on paint can


What to know:

  • Most common type
  • Round shape
  • Gray, tan brown with lighter belly
  • Body is 2.5 to 3.75 inches long

Deer mouse

Deer mouse on tree stump


What to know:

  • Gray or brown with white underbelly and small legs.
  • Body is 2 to 3.5 inches long.
  • Tail is as long as body and has a color difference between the top and bottom.

White-footed deer mouse

White-footed deer mouse by leaves and tree roots


What to know:

  • Gray/brown color with white belly and legs.
  • Larger hind legs.
  • Bicolored tail.
  • Body is 3 to 4 inches long.

Problems mice cause

Public health risks

  • Mice can carry ticks and fleas.
  • Mice contaminate food, food packaging and surfaces in a business.
  • People can get sick by coming into contact with mice urine, feces, saliva, and nesting materials while cleaning or breathing in airborne particles.
  • Improper cleaning of mice droppings and urine can lead to illness.

Transmissible diseases

  • Hanta virus
  • Salmonellosis
  • Tapeworms
  • Plague

Damage and contamination

  • Mice can cause property damage by gnawing on wires, furniture and clothing.
  • Mice urinate, poop and gnaw as they move throughout the building or house. An average mouse can produce 50 droppings a day.
  • Mice walk over and contaminate food surfaces.


  • Mice are highly adaptable. They can be found in multiple environments and building types.
  • Mice reproduce very quickly. Adult females can have up to 30 to 35 offspring per year.
  • Mice can squeeze through holes 1/4 of an inch or bigger, jump 12 inches and are great climbers.
  • Mice often come into buildings and houses when temperatures get colder and there is little food outside.



  • Mouse droppings throughout facility
  • Urine staining (use a blacklight for better visibility)
  • Gnawed doorways and/or food packaging (look for spilled foods)
  • Mouse tracks in areas with heavy debris, dust or mud
  • Rub marks on walls in heavily traveled areas
  • Musty, pungent odor



  • Seal all holes or gaps with areas larger than 1/4 inch on outside of buildings.
  • Create a 3-foot clearing around exterior walls of building. Adding a gravel strip may help.
  • Maintain outdoor areas clean and free of clutter.
  • Keep lids to disposal bins closed.
  • Keep bushes and shrubbery trimmed.


Watch for signs of mouse activity as seasons change and monitor any troublesome areas.


  • Remove cardboard and clutter from rooms to avoid harborage conditions.
  • Maintain areas free of food debris

Physical facilities

  • Seal all electrical conduits, heating ducts, pipes, and pipe chases.
  • Install door sweeps and other devices to seal any holes or cracks leading to outside.
  • Provide routine maintenance and spot checks to all areas of building to prevent mice getting in.

Pest control

  • Work with pest control company to determine a regular schedule that fits your building.
  • Call a professional extermination company if you suspect there are mice within your facility.


Contact us

Environmental Health

Minneapolis Health Department




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415