We explain what managers need to know about employee health policies.
Employee health
Learn how to prevent sick employees from spreading illness.

Excludable symptoms and reportable illnesses
- Discuss employee illness policies with managers
- Observe if any staff show excludable symptoms at work
- Review procedures for:
- Calling in sick
- What symptoms and diseases exclude staff from working
- When to allow staff to return to work
Effective managers
- Know what symptoms exclude an employee from working
- Exclude staff if they report or show these excludable symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Sore throat with fever
- Jaundice
- Uncovered lesion
- Know which diagnosed illnesses need to be reported to the Health Department:
- Salmonella
- Shigella
- Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
- Hepatitis A
- Norovirus
- Know when staff are allowed to return to work after reporting symptoms or illnesses.
Employee illness log

- Verify a tracking method or log is available on site
- Review log or tracking method to see if required information is recorded
Effective managers
Have a tracking method or log that:
- Is available to all persons in charge
- Has the required information including:
- Date illness was reported
- Employee name
- Specific symptoms
- Date employee returned to work
Initial employee health training
- Verify the business has an employee health policy
- Check to make sure staff have been trained on all required employee health policies
Effective managers
- Develop an effective employee health policy
- Provide or describe their employee health training
- Train staff on excludable symptoms and reportable illnesses
- Make sure employee health policy is followed

Contact us
Environmental Health
Minneapolis Health Department
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415