Employee hand hygiene

Learn how you control risky hand hygiene practices.


We explain what managers need to know about employee hand hygiene.

In this section


Restaurant chef washing hands

Stocked handwashing sink


  • Observe if food staff wash their hands in the designated handwashing sink.
  • Check each handwashing sink is stocked with hand soap and paper towels.

Effective managers

  • Make sure staff have the supplies needed to effectively wash their hands.
  • Make sure hand sinks:
    • Are stocked with hand soap and paper towels
    • Have a handwashing reminder sign posted
    • Have a trash can nearby
  • Train staff where they can find hand soap and paper towels to restock sinks.

How to wash hands

Restaurant worker washing hands in kitchen sink


  • Observe if staff properly wash and dry their hands.

Effective managers

  • Train staff how to properly wash and dry their hands:
    • Rinse hands with warm water
    • Use soap
    • Rub hands together for at least 10 to 15 seconds
    • Rinse off soap under warm water
    • Dry hands with paper towel or air dryer
  • Regularly observe employee handwashing
  • Coach and correct staff found not correctly washing their hands

When to wash hands


Observe if staff wash their hands when needed.

Restaurant worker washing hands

Effective managers

Train and make sure staff wash their hands.

  • Before:
    • Starting their shift and handling food
    • Touching clean equipment, utensils, and unwrapped single-use items
  • Between:
    • Changing tasks
    • Leaving and returning to their work station
    • Changing gloves
    • Working with raw meats and ready-to-eat foods
  • After:
    • Touching their body
    • Using the bathroom
    • Coughing, sneezing, or using a tissue
    • Touching personal items such as a cellphone, handling money
    • Any other activities that may contaminate the hands.

Coach and correct staff if they are not washing their hands when it is required.

Avoid barehand contact


  • Make sure staff are not touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands. 

Effective managers

  • Train staff to wear clean gloves or use other utensils when handling ready-to-eat foods.
  • Make sure that gloves and utensils are available.
  • Coach and correct staff who are touching ready-to-eat food with bare hands.
Restaurant worker preparing food while wearing kitchen gloves


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Environmental Health

Minneapolis Health Department

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Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415