Apartment homes

We need affordable homes for our residents to rent. We have some financing tools to help developers make that happen.
Exterior of Minneapolis apartment building

Types of projects

We may be able to help developers of multi-family rental homes find funds to do their work.

  • A multi-family home is a single building that's divided into multiple units.
  • Individuals and families live separately in each unit.

Funding guidelines

  • Multi-family funding tools generally apply to buildings with over 10 living units.
  • Some funding tools can be used for buildings with less than 10 living units.

Financing options

Read about the purpose and requirements for each of these tools.

Inclusionary zoning

Learn about the City's inclusionary zoning requirements and its Unified Housing Policy.

Contact us

Small Business Team

Community Planning & Economic Development




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415