Business consultants

Small businesses in Minneapolis can contact any of these organizations for free business help.

City of Minneapolis Business Technical Assistance Program (BTAP) providers

You can see the name of each organization, who they serve, and what languages they speak.

African immigrants and refugees

English, Somali

African immigrant communities

English, Somali, Afaan Oromo, Amharic, French

Entrepreneurs and small businesses

English, Somali, Oromo

Latino entrepreneurs

English, Spanish

All entrepreneurs, with an emphasis on serving BIPOC women


All entrepreneurs seeking professional marketing services

English, Spanish

Businesses and entrepreneurs on Lake Street

English, Spanish, Somali

Latino business community and entrepreneurs

English, Spanish

Small businesses and micro-enterprises

English, Hmong, Somali, Tonga/Nynja, Bemba

BIPOC-owned businesses and entrepreneurs

English, Spanish, French

Low-income and BIPOC entrepreneurs in areas of North, Northeast, and South Minneapolis

English, Spanish, Somali, Hmong, Oromo

East African and Somali business community

English, Arabic, Oromo, Amharic, Kiswahili 

Entrepreneurs primarily in the implementation, stabilization, and growth stages

English, Spanish, Hmong, Japanese

Entrepreneurs in North Minneapolis and surrounding communities

English, Hmong, Spanish

Businesses located in the Seward, Longfellow, Cooper, Howe, and Hiawatha neighborhoods

English, Somali Spanish

Businesses based in Southwest Minneapolis


Artists and creative economy businesses

English, Spanish, Hmong, Lao, Mandarin, ASL

Early childhood professionals and childcare providers


Small businesses and entrepreneurs located in the West Bank Cedar-Riverside neighborhood

English, Spanish, Somali, Oromo, Amharic

Small businesses and entrepreneurs located on the West Broadway corridor and surrounding North Minneapolis neighborhoods


Legal advice

All businesses from start-up solos to over 250 employees


Businesses needing help with financial, small business, and real estate law

English, Spanish

Creatives, entrepreneurs and business owners


Bookkeeping and accounting providers

Small businesses

English, Spanish

Low-income entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises

English, Spanish, Hmong

Contact us

Small Business Team

Community Planning & Economic Development

Email the Small Business Team




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415