Pro forma workshops
We'll help you prepare your development project's pro forma. You need to complete this work before you can get financing.
Pro forma workshops introduce and help emerging real estate developers with financial planning and preparation.
Topics include:
- Projecting your project's financials (pro forma)
- Analyzing your project's financial risks
- Seeking financing for your project
Participation requirements
You must:
- Be working on a real estate development project located in the City of Minneapolis, and
- Have completed our Intro to Development class or another comparable program.
More details
About the workshops
- Each workshop is one 3-hour session
- We can have 15 participants
- Workshops are led by real estate development professionals
If you attend
- You'll work on a 10-year operating pro forma for your project.
- We'll send you a pro forma template before you come to the workshop.
Timing and registration
- We schedule free pro forma workshops on a rolling basis.
Sign up to get our Emerging Developer Resources newsletter. It will alert you to upcoming workshops.
Emerging Developer Resources newsletter
Learn about upcoming workshops, classes and more.
Contact us
Small Business Team
Community Planning & Economic Development
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415